Jule Schretzmeir
Jule is a PhD candidate in the Lab of Learning at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. She focuses on positive risk-taking in adolescence in an academic context. Her project looks at the role and importance of adolescent exploratory behavior in learning and intends to deepen our knowledge of safe risk-taking that fosters academic growth and resilience. She investigates the relationship between beneficial risk behavior and the development of adaptive self-beliefs that allow adolescents to adjust to their learning environment and develop a sense of autonomy and competence. Additionally, she is interested in self-regulation strategies such as positive risk-taking in relation to setbacks, failure, and perseverance in the face of challenges. Jule’s work explores possible predictors of such exploratory behavior, including parental and societal performance pressure, and overprotection by parents. Her research intends to shed light on positive risk-taking in connection with academic well-being and ultimately the flourishing of young adults in society.
Her (co)promotors are Nienke van Atteveldt and Tieme Janssen.
Photo: Alexander Santos Lima