Working Group Chair
Working Group Members
- Ethell Dubois (WP1 Rotterdam)
- Jaïr van Nes (WP1 Rotterdam)
- Yara Toenders (WP1 Rotterdam)
- Kitty de Vries (WP1 Rotterdam)
- Sterre van Riel (WP1 Rotterdam)
- Tatvan Todor (WP1 Amsterdam)
- Nathalie Aerts (WP1 Amsterdam)
- Jule Schretzmeir (WP1 Amsterdam)
This workgroup focuses on developing a multi-faceted recruitment strategy for GUTS, specifically for the cohorts in Amsterdam and Rotterdam. Our goal is to reach and include a diverse group of adolescents and young adults. This includes (but is not limited to) variation in ethnicity or cultural identity, educational background, socioeconomic status, and gender. We also aim to create tools to combat attrition among marginalized groups and those who are traditionally not viewed as ‘convenience sample’.
We will start a long-term collaboration with Albeda, a ‘MBO-school’ in Rotterdam to develop our recruitment strategy. In addition, we will continue to work with existing societal partners via the YoungXperts platform of Erasmus SYNC Lab.