Within GUTS we strive towards an Open Science oriented environment.

This includes adhering to FAIR principles. The following principles allows our research to be as open and shareable as possible: 

  • Findable: with the use of extensive metadata we aim to make it as easy as possible to find and filter our data for both humans and computers.
  • Accessible: with well-defined license and access conditions (open access when possible) and a system specifically created to easily share our data.
  • Interoperable: analysis-ready datasets that can be combined with external datasets by humans or computers.
  • Reusable: for use in future research and further computational methods.

We take the utmost care in handling privacy matters of our participants and request informed consent regarding the sharing of data.


Data Access

Access to GUTS will go through our professionally created and maintained database. This database includes a metadata explorer which shows the data in various ways including; a general overview, participant information and measure overview.

A search function can be used to find and select variables that are needed for your specific research. This selection along with certain preset filters (age, wave, gender, etc.) can then be made into a package to be requested for access.

This request will be reviewed by a dedicated datamanager as well as a Data Access Committee.