January 25, 2024

‘Persistent shortage of teachers hits vulnerable children even more profoundly’ explains Thijs Bol to NOS.

In an article of Dutch news broadcaster NOS, Thijs Bol emphasizes the need to improve the quality of education and to relieve teachers of their excessive workload. Especially for children facing social vulnerabilities, this is crucial.

Read the article here (in Dutch).


About Thijs Bol

Thijs Bol is Professor of Sociology at University of Amsterdam and part of the GUTS program. His research focuses on inequality in education, the labor market, and science. In his work, Bol mostly focuses on understanding how inequalities between groups arise, and how we can understand why trajectories diverge within these three domains. In current research projects he tries to understand inequality of opportunity in education and studies how the linkage between school and work affects labor market outcomes.


Photo by Taylor Flowe on Unsplash.