Loes Keijsers wins Dr. Hendrik Muller Prijs 2023
October 20, 2023
Loes Keijsers wins the Dr. Hendrik Muller Prijs 2023. She receives the award for her creative and innovative research using smartphones and serious games to gain insights into the lives of adolescents.
Keijsers’ research among individual adolescents has, for the first time, explicitly demonstrated that what may have a positive effect for one child can have the opposite effect for others. The award ceremony will take place on December 7th in Amsterdam, accompanied by a mini-symposium: “Under pressure?! Naar een mentaal gezonde generatie”. More information about the mini-symposium can be found here.
About Loes Keijsers
Loes Keijsers is professor in Clinical Child and Family Studies at Erasmus University Rotterdam. Her research examines the impact of parenting and social media on adolescent well-being and adjustment. Employing novel longitudinal research designs and analytical methods, she studies how the real-time influences of social interactions in daily lives can trigger the development of internalizing and externalizing problems. In interdisciplinary collaborations, she translates these insights into eHealth tools and products for adolescents, their families, and practitioners.